Consulate General of Brazil






To register a marriage and obtain the certificate, the Brazilian spouse (wife or husband) must attend in person at the Consulate-General to complete a form provided by the Consulate-General and presenting the following documents:

  Item Remarks
A Original certificate of marriage. Certificate must be issued by an Australian authority within the jurisdiction of the Consulate-General.
B Passports of both spouses. Or Brazilian ID, in case both are  Brazilian citizens.
C If either spouse has previously been married, proof of legal termination of former marriage(s) is required.


If the Brazilian spouse has previously been married, the documents referring to the former marriage and divorce  have to be registered in a Brazilian notary office ('Cartório').

If the foreign spouse has been previously married, legalised statement that he/she has never been formerly married to a Brazilian citizen is required.

Consular fee applies, please click here.

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